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1300 North Main Big Lake, TX 76932 | 325-884-2561

RHD Employment

Reagan Hospital District is a dynamic, growing organization and we are always searching for exceptional employees to join our team. View a list of job openings currently available at RHD.

If you are an extraordinary individual with expertise and talent, we encourage you to fill out our online application, or call and discuss your career interests.
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Patient Portal

What Is a Patient Portal?

A patient portal is a secure online website that gives patients convenient 24-hour access to personal health information from anywhere with an Internet connection. Using a secure username and password, patients can view health information such as:

Recent doctor visits
Discharge summaries
Lab results
Update contact information
Make payments
Download and complete forms
View educational materials

With patient portal implementation, your organization can enhance patient-provider communication, empower patients, support care between visits, and, most importantly, improve patient outcomes.

Reagan Hospital District Patient Portal live: August 1, 2015.

Reagan Hospital District Clinic Patient Portal live: September 1, 2015.

Health Research

Below you will find a research library to tens of thousands of health sources where you may read and examine health topics of interest to you. The program includes the Merriam Webster Medical Dictionary, A research engine, and The FastNurse Personal Research Service as well as other interesting components.
Though your doctor is the best source of accurate information, this online educational library of comparative health information links gives you a starting point for research so you do not have to turn to other popular search engines.

Begin Your Search Below:

Click Here For Online Health Dictionary
Click Here For General Health Research
FastNurse Personal Research Coordinator
Research Top Health Conditions